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Version: Minecraft 1.19

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How to Make a Smelting Room in Minecraft (5 Easy Tips)

A smelting room is essential for any player. Once you've established your base and started mining, you'll need a place to turn your ores into craftable materials. Smelting will open up new possibilities as you enhance your tools and unlock more recipes! We've got you if you need tips before building your smelting room! Read on for my seven steps to building a fantastic smelting room!

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How to Make a Crafting Room in Minecraft (An Easy Guide)

So, you've survived a few days, established your base, and gathered some materials, so what’s next? Well, that’s where a crafting room comes into the picture!

A crafting room is one of the most important spaces a player can have! A dedicated crafting space will keep things organized and allow you to enjoy the game when you craft new items. A crafting room can be as elaborate or as simple as you want, but there are a few must-haves for this room. Keep on reading to learn more about my tips for getting you started.

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How to Make a Working Mailbox (3 Minecraft Mailbox Design Ideas)

If you’re looking to add a beautiful, functional mailbox into your survival world, then you’ve stopped at the right place. In this blog, I’m going to show you three different Minecraft mailbox design ideas you can use to incorporate into your new house! Why build a mailbox? Well, it’s just fun to leave items for friends or drop a note, especially if you’re playing on a multiplayer server. Read on to see which Minecraft mailbox design you can see putting into your survival world.

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Minecraft: How to Plant Sugar Cane

In this blog tutorial, I will show you how to plant sugar cane in Minecraft in an easy step-by-step process. Sugar cane is a common crop ground in Minecraft and is very easy to grow, so it’s a great crop to start with for beginners. Sugar cane is also very useful because it can be crafted into sugar and paper, which are essential for crafting other items in the game. For example, paper can be crafted into banners, books, and maps. Sugar on the other hand, can be used to make cakes and potions of swiftness.

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Minecraft: How to Tame and Ride a Horse

Horses are passive mobs in Minecraft that can be ridden when tamed. They generally spawn in plains and savannas in a herd of 2 to 6. They come in a variety of colors and markings, from browns to whites, and spotted. Learn how to tame and ride a horse in Minecraft with this easy step-by-step instruction if you’re just starting out.

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