What Does Punch Do in Minecraft? (Why It's Useful & How to Get It)

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You can use many weapons in Minecraft: swords, axes, and bows are some staples! No matter your weapon, it can always be made more powerful. The bow may be your weapon of choice, and you're the type of player that always has a bow and arrow handy. 

Are you using a bow with no enchantments? If so, you will want to check out some bow-specific enchantments like Punch! However, if you're looking for an explanation of what Punch does in Minecraft, keep reading!

What is Punch?

Punch is an enchantment that increases the knockback power of your bow. Knockback is how far back enemies are pushed when hit with an arrow. With a vanilla bow and arrow, enemies will not be knocked back. 

Punch comes in two strength levels. With Punch 1, the lowest level punch enchantment, enemies will be knocked back three blocks. With Punch 2, enemies will be knocked back six blocks. 

Why is it Useful?

When fighting enemies, it can be helpful to put as much space between you and them as possible to prevent them from dealing any damage to you. 

With Punch, you can push enemies back farther than you usually would, giving you some time to escape or devise a plan. 

If you're fighting enemies on a mountain or around some ravines, you may even be able to knock them over the edge and eliminate their threat completely!

How to Get Punch

1. Gather Materials

Like any other enchantment, you'll need a few things to obtain Punch: an enchanting table and lapis lazuli. To craft an enchanting table, you need four obsidian blocks, two diamonds, and a book. 

2. Enchant Your Bow

When you're ready to enchant your bow, place your bow on the table along with a lapis lazuli stone as a power source. The enchanting table will now display some enchantments you can use on your bow! 

The only drawback of using an enchanting table is that it generates a random enchantment for your weapon. So you may not get Punch the first time you try.

If you want a surefire method to enchant your bow with Punch, you can use an anvil! 

3. Enchanting with an Anvil

To enchant your bow with Punch using an anvil, you'll need a Punch enchanted book. You can find these in chests in villages all over your Minecraft world, or you can trade with a librarian if they happen to have one.

What to Keep in Mind

When using Punch, remember that it doesn't affect the amount of damage your arrows will deal to enemies. Rather than increasing damage power, Punch allows you to put more space between you and hostile mobs and enemies. 

Final Thoughts

Enchanting your weapons is a must when playing in Minecraft's survival world. There are tons of valuable enchantments like Punch available. If used correctly, these enchantments can help you improve your gameplay drastically!

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