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How to Make Mud Bricks in Minecraft 1.19 (Easy Tutorial)

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The Mangrove Swamp in Minecraft 1.19 is an exciting biome to explore for many reasons. Still, today I'm focusing on the new blocks we may find here. Of course, Minecraft builders get hyped whenever we have new releases since we get a glimpse of new blocks! 

This time, we have mud blocks spawning naturally within the Mangrove Swamp, which we can eventually craft into mud bricks for whatever building project you have. So I have you covered if you're wondering how to make mud bricks in Minecraft!

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How to Create Mud Blocks in Minecraft 1.19 (Easy Tutorial)

Step 1. Collect Mud Blocks

Of course, many mud blocks spawn throughout any Mangrove Swamp. So it's only a matter of breaking them by hand or using a shovel to gather them more quickly.

But what if I haven't gotten lucky with my biome generation? The good news is that we aren't limited to finding the new swamp variant to have mud bricks for our home.

We can now use a water bottle on dirt, coarse dirt, or rooted dirt blocks to turn it into mud. However, this process may be tedious if you don't have a reliable way to refill your glass bottle.

A good trick is to go to a shallow body of water and left-right click the dirt you find at the bottom for later harvest.


How to Find the Mangrove Swamp in Minecraft (Easy Tips and Tricks)

Step 2. Craft Packed Mud

Once you have the mud in your inventory, you must combine it with wheat. Fortunately, you can harvest wheat quickly anywhere, and obtaining stacks shouldn't be too tricky, especially if you've built an automated farm.

If you want to accelerate the wheat's growth process, having a bunch of bone meal is also pretty helpful! Whenever you accidentally place the packed mud in your world, you can either break it by hand or use your pickaxe. Either way, the block will drop safely back into your inventory.

Step 3. Craft Mud Bricks

Finally, now that you have the packed mud, you can combine it in the grid in a 2x2 area to create the mud bricks. There's no need to use a crafting table so that you can craft these on the go! Think about it as how regular clay bricks work to create brick blocks.

Bonus Tips

Suppose you want stairs, walls, or slabs variants. In that case, you can use the same recipe structure as you do with other blocks or use the stonecutter for a more economical approach.

For example, one mud brick will yield one stair, one wall, or two slabs.

The new mud bricks won't catch fire from lava or other fire sources, so any of your buildings will be safe from harm.

Fun fact: Place the mud bricks below a note block if you'd like a bass drum sound! ;)

The Takeaway

I'm excited to see how players and content creators incorporate the new mud bricks in their projects and designs. Now that you know how to make mud bricks in Minecraft, I'd love to know your thoughts on the new blocks available for 1.19.

Did you find this tutorial helpful? Let me know what you think of the latest update! I’d love to hear from you.

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